17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd

San Diego, CA, US.


Donate & Support

17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd

San Diego, CA, US.

Give to Design39 Campus

Donate & Support

Obtaining Level 2 Clearance for Volunteering

(only necessary if you have been specifically instructed to do so; e.g. for leading a Student Enrichment club, etc.)

Step 2: Obtain Level 2 Request Form at D39C Welcome Center
  • Pick up a Level 2 Volunteer Approval Form at the Welcome Center.
  • Fill it out and hand it in.
  • Staff will need to get it signed by a Design Facilitator.
  • You may be asked to come back to collect the signed form.
Step 3: Bring Signed Approval Form to PUSD Office on Tue/Thu
  • 15250 Avenue of Science San Diego, CA 92128
    • Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
    • Thursdays 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
  • The Level II Approval Form will be exchanged for an Application and Live Scan Fingerprinting Form.
Step 4: Bring Application and Live Scan Fingerprinting Form to any Live Scan Location
  • Live Scan locations are listed on the form (there is one in Poway as well).
  • Live Scan runs fingerprints through databases of the CA DOJ (Department of Justice) and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations).
  • There is a $20 cost for the applicant.
  • This is a mandatory requirement for Level II volunteers.
Step 5: Wait for Notification of Final Approval from Welcome Center

Note that the process can take several weeks.

Additional Guidelines for Volunteers

  • When you come to volunteer, please sign in at the Welcome Center and put on a name tag. You must do this each day you volunteer. This helps us identify people on our campus and helps keep our kids safe. When done for the day, please sign out at the Welcome Center. Thank you for remembering to do this!
  • If you plan to drive any students on a field trip, you will need to fill out this form: Private Vehicle Transportation for Student’s off-site Student Experience (pdf).
  • If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms related to cold, flu, or COVID-19, please do not volunteer.