17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd

San Diego, CA, US.


Donate & Support

17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd

San Diego, CA, US.

Give to Design39 Campus

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What We Do

The Board typically meets once a month in the Loft from 5:30pm – 7:00pm (a few of these meetings will be open to the public). Our schedule is posted below, along with a brief summary of items discussed during those sessions.

  • Roundtable updates from officers

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Mid-year budget changes/approval

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Elections

  • Year Review: Reviewed key moments and achievements for the 2023-2024 school year

  • New Collaborative Members Design Session: Welcoming the new collaborative board members and community to debrief on what worked well, and what to improve next year

  • Event Planning: Discussions on the 10+ events that occur in the final weeks of school

  • Collaborative Board: Discussion on board structure and voting new members in for 2024-2025 school year, effective Jul 1st

  • Community Survey: Reviewed new annual Voice of Customer “VOC” survey results and discussion

  • LED Report Out: From Educational Professional Learning, SXSW Education Conference with action plan for new festival 39xD!

  • Grants: presentations from community, review process, and votes

  • Grants / Projects Funded: Campus soccer net, Recording studio in music room area, Loft library furniture replacement, and Coffee Community Event

  • Budget: mid year review, adjustments, and approval 

  • Campus Updates: Campus improvements, lost and found, equity and inclusion conference

  • Meeting canceled due to short gap since last one, schedule will resume in January 2024

  • Review priorities and updates across the Collaborative executive working areas

  • Voice of Customer: listening to our stakeholders from representatives including LEDs, Class Ambassadors, Student Empowerment Team S.E.T., and School Administration

  • Professional Development: Approval of go-forward strategy, framework, and funding guidelines for development learning opportunities across campus

  • Collaborative Communication: Design Thinking session on the core areas of communication the Collaborative should focus on

  • Review newly documented priorities and updates across the Collaborative executive working areas

  • Voice of Customer: listening to our stakeholders from representatives including LEDs, Class Ambassadors, Student Empowerment Team S.E.T., and School Administration

  • Collaborative Community Survey Proposal: discussion for the value and content of a measurement system for feedback on the Collaborative key deliverables

  • Grants Proposal: evaluation and discussion for the first deadline of grant applications

  • Professional Development: discussion for the goals and process needs for the funding from the Collaborative in continued professional learning for our campus

  • Pizza Party: discussion and approval for the options and logistics of a campus wide celebration for the successful fundraising campaign

  • Welcome & Get to know new President, Lucy Beard

  • Voice of Customer: listening to our stakeholders from representatives including LEDs, Class Ambassadors, Student Empowerment Team S.E.T., and School Administration

  • Roundtable Updates across our new Collaborative executive areas

    • Financials & Fundraising

    • Technology & Communications

    • Community Events & Culture

    • Classroom Engagement & Ambassadors

    • Community Engagement & Volunteering 

  • Board welcome and introductions: many new Collaborative board members and positions providing a key opportunity to connect

  • Roundtable Updates from each Collaborative Board member on their area of responsibility and new school year initiatives and needs

Let us know if you have any ideas or thoughts that you might want brought up in a specific Board meeting. You may email president@design39collaborative.org or fill out the simple form to contact us below.

2023-2024 Collaborative Annual Priorities

Financials, Fundraising and Board Management

  • Fundraising: Complete successful 39 Days of Giving fundraising campaign

  • Sponsors: Enhance the sponsors strategy and fundraising, Website and Communications support

  • Grants: Manage and solicit requests for grants, Create process handbook, Enhance website with stories of historic grants funded

  • Board Management: Ensure fiscal and regulatory process are followed, Identify new board members for annual process, Create transition and onboarding documents for new board members

  • Financials: Lead budgeting process, Manage financials to the budget, Manage tax filings and Audit processes

Technology and Communications

  • Communication: Review existing communication channels and messaging for gaps and opportunities, Create messaging themes and brand guidelines

  • Social: Manage weekly social posts and engagement, Evaluate channel usage, Pilot new features on platforms

  • Email Newsletter: Remove weekend work for volunteers, Maintain high engagement via feedback surveys and iterations

  • Campus Technology: Be a champion for the technology needs of our LEDs by identifying best in class, refresh cycles, software subscription negotiations funded by Collaborative, sunsetting old or unused tech stacks

  • Collaborative Technology: Maintain technology stack used by Collaborative for daily operations (website, sign ups, fundraising, software, …), Support enhancements as needed for Collaborative

Community Events and Culture

  • Events: Lead successfully run events for 200+ community member attendance at key events, Create checklist for vendors and timelines on events to improve transitions. Manage PUSD level systems and requirements through Facilitron

  • Culture: Create a measurement system for voice of community in key areas led and owned by Collaborative in empowering our community culture

  • Equity & Inclusion: Support campus culture of inclusion with affinity groups and education

  • Spiritwear: Launch on-demand vendor and process, Support community events to “wear your spirit”, Create a Welcome Center Spiritwear Booth

Classroom Engagement and Ambassadors

  • Create handbook and timeline for Class Ambassadors, research other school room parent roles and responsibilities, improve selection process for Ambassadors

Community Engagement and Volunteering

  • Parent Volunteers: Build systems and processes (CRM, sign ups…), Track volunteer involvement (#, hours, impact)

  • Student Enrichment: Launch successful process with diverse options, Create handbook

  • Traffic & Pedestrian Safety: Lead volunteers and process improvements for traffic, partner with D39 campus, Zero incidents

  • Service39: Continue culture of impact, measure involvement

  • Garden: Continue impact, measure designer reach


Campus Calendar


17050 Del Sur Ridge Road, San Diego, CA 92127 United States

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