The Collaborative is urgently looking for volunteers with the following interests and expertise. Please contact the Volunteer Committee if you are able to help out. See more details below.
- Committee chair for Mom’s Night Out. We are looking for motivated individual(s) to brainstorm and plan for the social event. You will be equipped with support from the Colaborative and other assisting volunteers. The event is scheduled for October 23th.
- Techincal resources with knowledge in web page development using WordPress and database management. You will be assisting the Technology committee chair in maintaining the Collaborative web site and the opt in/volunteer databases.
- LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Our LEDs are working to design and build a video production studio and are looking for volunteers with experience or knowledge in video production (lights and sound too) and can assist them in creating a vision for the space.
- Are you interested in helping the D39C Garden come to life? The
Nutrition Committee is seeking passionate individual(s) with gardening knowledge to oversee our garden continue to flourish. The person(s) would: 1) act as a liaison between the LEDs and the outside community, 2) help seek community partnerships and donations for our garden, 3) help LED’s as needed with garden activities, 4) grow your team of garden volunteers as needed. - The Collaborative is looking for volunteers with knowledge in graphic design to help creating flyers and posters in order to promote the major activities/events during the school year.