Thank you Maria! At the Friday coffee chat last week, Mindy Ahrens invited us parents to share what’s going well at school this...
READ MOREPeriodic Table of Pizza Boxes
by The D39C Collaborative Tech Chair | May 27, 2016 | D39C-Legacy, General
The 7th graders used pizza boxes to create an interactive periodic table of elements. This project integrated science and art. Each student...
READ MOREMinecraft in Education
by The D39C Collaborative Tech Chair | May 3, 2016 | Blog Post
PLTW Skimmers! 6th Grade
by User_KE | Mar 21, 2016 | Shareout, Student Showcase
By: Kate, Hannah, Dheeraj, and Caeden The 6th graders at Design39Campus are in a Deep Dive called Project Lead the Way taught by Mr. Bret...