17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd

San Diego, CA, US.


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17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd

San Diego, CA, US.

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Mixed Media Characters

The 6/7 Art and Design Deep Dive students are making self-portraits that they call Mixed Media Characters. They got to express their interests through their artwork. The self-portraits are describing the person’s inner self, not the students’ appearances. The students were able to use different art materials for this project.

You might wonder where they are going to put these art projects. Mrs. Grissom, the teacher for this class, painted an entire wall black so that they could  hang the projects. The kids in this class have been developing their project for about seven class periods. They have worked really hard and they tried to make it personal and important to them while still showing the silly part of them! They got to show things about them that most people don’t know. They liked expressing themselves on paper. The class loved that it was unique and each was very different in their own ways. These Mixed Media Characters are a great way for students to express themselves in a fun, creative way!

By Zil, grade 6

School News Team

