Previous School:
Oak Valley Middle School
Previous Assignment:
6th and 7th Humanities, Science, and electives
Favorite quote:
Too many to choose from
What is something you’ve always wanted to try?
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Tell us about your superpowers.
Connecting ideas and events. I am always wanting to know the backstory to why things are the way the are.
Favorite Board Game(s)
Really don’t like board games.
What excites you the most about Design39Campus?
Opening up school to student creativity and not being limited by group think.
Who let the dogs out?
Why were the dogs in to begin with?
What makes you laugh?
Cleverness and references to unrelated story lines.
What is one word that your friends would use to describe you?
What is most rewarding about your job; what makes it all worthwhile?
Students and the things they say. Love watching their faces light up when they have an epiphany.
Dream vacation spot
Paris for city and Interlaken, Switzerland for scenery. Used to be Yosemite but I can’t get reservations anymore 🙁
If you had a Magic School Bus, where would you take your students?
Wherever they want to go. I can’t pick.
Favorite font
Linda Ford
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Aristotle
Previous Schools:
Previous Assignment:
RSP Teacher
What is something you’ve always wanted to try?
Storms – Cool or Scary?
What excites you the most about Design39Campus?
Innovation opportunities!
Favorite font
Comic Sans MS
Barbara Hamilton
Literacy Resource Media Tech
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, “I’m possible!”
Previous School:
Tierra Bonita Elementary
Previous Assignment:
Librarian and digital support for 1:1 program
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
I eat every part of the broccoli
What excites you the most about Design39Campus?
I’m most excited about being a part of such a great way of doing
school differently
What is one word that your friends would use to describe you?
What is most rewarding about your job; what makes it all worthwhile?
I love seeing someone get totally lost in a good book.
If you had a Magic School Bus, where would you take your students?
Outer space