For the complete story and pictures of Graham in action visit:
Meet our first D39’er Student Headliner of 2015, GRAHAM JEFFREY JOHNSON! He is a nine year old in Ms. Gillies’ third grade C pod and lives in the Del Sur community. We recently sat down with him to learn a little about him in his own words …
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INSPIRING LEADERSHIP : Graham recently volunteered to teach a class demonstrating the tips, tricks, and algorithms needed to solve the Rubik’s Cube.
“I first learned to solve the regular 3×3 Rubik’s Cube when I was seven years old. Since then I have learned to solve the 4×4 and 5×5 Rubik’s Cubes. You need lots of perseverance, patience, and memorization to be able to solve the Rubik’s Cube. My teaching experience was frustrating. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I’d had more time to explain each step. It was challenging because everyone needed help and I only had one assistant. But the best part was getting to explain to my classmates and friends how to do something I love doing.”
FAMILY : ”I have a sister named Emma and a brother named Ben. I used to have two cats.”
FAVORITE PASTIMES : ” I play football and basketball. I like to do math and play outside with my friends. My favorite thing to do on the weekends is to watch football on Sunday.”
WHEN YOU GROW UP : ”When I grow up I want to be a football player, because I have a lot of experience with it and football players can get paid lots of money!”
PEOPLE YOU LOOK UP TO : ”I look up to my mom and dad to become a better person. My sister looks up to me. She is amazed with me!”
GREATEST PERSONAL STRENGTH : ”My greatest strength as a student at D39 is math. My greatest strength as a friend is being a trustworthy and loyal person.”
FAVORITE PART OF SCHOOL : ”My favorite part about D39 is getting to use devices because it’s such a cool way to learn.”
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