17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd

San Diego, CA, US.


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17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd

San Diego, CA, US.

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Mrs. De La Torre’s Spanish Class

Mrs. De La Torre’s Spanish Class

By: Colin Altevers Harris

Mrs. De La Torre is a 6th grade homeroom teacher and 7th grade Spanish teacher. She is teaching a Spanish Deep Dive for seventh grade students this year. She obviously wanted to teach Spanish because it is her native language. She was born in Mexico, on the border area. She moved to the United States when she was seven years old. 

Photo on 10-12-15 at 11.17 AM.jpgDuring this past week, Mrs. De La Torre gave her students a project. The project was on different areas in the world. The students made  shirts at home and came back with them completed.  The t-shirts had pictures from different areas of the world that speak Spanish.  Also the students put sentences on the front of the t-shirts in Spanish. Here is one of the students from her class.

Mrs. De La Torre would like to teach every grade Spanish.  She thinks eventually our whole school will have a familiarity with Spanish. Mrs. De La Torre also thinks the kids are having fun learning a new language like Spanish.

