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Day In The Life of a Third Grader



This article is about a day in the life of D39C third graders. This article will give you an idea of what third graders do every day at school. Our information comes from none other than the third-grade students and LEDs. A special thanks to the students and teachers that helped make this article possible. 

What You Can Expect From a Third-Grade Morning

The typical third-grade day usually starts with answering and discussing fun get-to-know-you questions that the teachers provide. After the discussion, classes do math and reading. In a normal math class, kids start with a warm-up problem. After this, they take notes on the concept they have been learning about. For example, they learn about fractions, multiplication, and division. Finally, they solve a story problem, provided by the teacher, to summarize what they learned in the lesson. Recently, the third graders are learning about fractions. 

During their reading time, they are learning accuracy, fluency, just right books, phonics, and how to decode hard words. Third graders call just-right books “Golden Books” that are right at their reading level. Sometimes their schedule changes depending on the day. Throughout their day they also get body breaks, a time when they can go outside. The goal of body breaks is that students return to the classroom with a new and improved mindset that will prepare them for more learning. After their morning activities, the kids go to lunch. 

What You Can Expect From a Third-Grade Afternoon

Once students get back from lunch, they do a variety of things. One of the things is a mindfulness read-aloud, which is a time when the teacher reads a story to the kids and makes connections with the book. Another thing they have been researching is their Rainbow Trout, which all of the third-grade classes do. They have been learning about the trout’s habitat, environment, and how climate change affects them. While learning about trout, it has a connection to their science classes. Depending on the day, you could also find the third graders doing MiM. After MIM, trout, and mindfulness read aloud, the third graders’ end of the day always closes with an activity called “closing circle”, where they share their peaks and valleys of the day. When this ends, they pack up, reset the room, and get ready to be dismissed.

Third-Grade Student’s Point of View

Many students we interviewed said that their favorite subject is art and reading. Besides the normal subjects that they are usually taught, the students also enjoy other activities, like Kahoot (a fun quiz website), coloring, drawing, and making art. 

Third Grade LED’s Point of View

The LEDs are what make learning for third-graders possible. Whenever the students are at an activity, like music or MIM, the teachers continue to work hard to prepare learning experiences for the students when they come back. One of the LEDs’ favorite parts of teaching is Maker39, which is at the end of the year. The teachers love Maker39 because they get to see all of the student’s growth throughout the year. Maker39 shows how the students have grown by showing all of the projects the students have done throughout the year. 


In summary, the third-graders have fun and active learning to look forward to every day.

Students enjoying a body break.

LED, Ms. Judy Caraang, and students work on crafts.

Students working on a project.

Students during class time.

