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Mrs. Hawkins: New to the Crew

Mrs. Hawkins: New to the Crew
Article by Bella and Fiona
School News Team

IMG_4993.jpgFor many of the students here at Design39Campus, this is their second year. For others, this is their first trimester. But have they all heard about the new Administrative Specialist, Mrs.Connie Hawkins? Mrs. Hawkins is new to the D39C team, and deserves a warm welcome.                                 
On the 21st of August, we sat down with Mrs. Hawkins as she expressed her opinions on the school. “My job position requires me to work in the Welcome Center, and I will be meeting parents and students as they come into the lobby area, directing them to where they need to go. I’ll also be working on ordering supplies and computers, everything the school may need to run,” Mrs. Hawkins explains.  Mrs. Hawkins works alongside Mrs. Wrisley, our principal, and our assistant principals daily. She has quite the important job to do!
“I love that the school uses so much technology,” said Mrs. Hawkins. “I love seeing students walk up to me with different means of technology, like laptops, ipads, or tablets, and that they’re using them for learning.”
IMG_4994.JPGMrs. Hawkins strongly supports the school’s values, “…I really am a believer in the school’s mission and guiding principles… I like the belief that everyone is a learner and you continue to learn throughout your whole life, so you’re just starting out with your education in elementary school and middle school. I firmly believe that the Growth mindset promotes learning till your later years. I really like that, and also that you’re not just stuck, you’re open to new ideas and learning new things. I [also] love the Design Thinking concept … and thought that it would be a great place to work.”
Mrs. Hawkins has worked at other schools for more than ten years. During the interview, she expressed her thoughts about the many schools she’s worked at, versus Design39Campus. “There are a lot of differences…the fact that you have homeroom and then after homeroom you can go to many different locations on campus for learning, the fact that you don’t have bells, [instead] you have music that plays when it’s time to go to your classrooms. You don’t have scheduled recesses, so class gets to go to recess when ever you and the… LEDs decide to go, that’s different. [Also] the fact that you have Minds in Motion so often, you get a lot of physical activity into your school day…”  There sure are many differences between standard public schools and Design39Campus!

Mrs. Hawkins loves D39C. “I think this is a perfect position for me. I like doing this. I like being right out in front [of the Welcome Center]… I can meet the parents and the students every day, but then I also get to do some challenging work that provides for the school… I’m going to say that I like working here better, just because it’s a new way of learning and I really enjoy what I see here.” As you can see, Mrs. Connie Hawkins really likes this unique school. The only thing she doesn’t especially like about the school is that it’s a bit far away from her house! Mrs. Hawkins is going to be a great member of our team this year. Come and visit her sometime down at the Welcome Center!




  1. Barbara Hamilton

    Nice Job

  2. Bella


  3. Connie Hawkins

    Great Job!! This captures our entire conversation- I didn't realize I talked so much! Very accurate reporting and well written- thanks for making me look so good! 🙂

  4. Abby Robles

    What a great introduction! I am so happy to know that such a nice person works at D39C! Well done, writers!

  5. Karlyn Stone

    Nice work ladies! We LOVE having Mrs. Hawkins as part of our Welcome Center team!!!

  6. mljulrich

    What an informative and well written article!

  7. Bret A. Fitzpatrick

    Nice piece of journalism Bella and Fiona!

  8. S Lamb

    Well done! I learned a lot about Mrs. Hawkins by reading your blog.

  9. Fiona Hastings (School News Team)

    Thanks to everyone who read our story! Please make sure to stay tuned for our next article!

  10. Bella Watson (School News Team)

    It should be coming in the next few weeks. Any ideas?