New Year, New People
Article By Tamara & Lauren
School News Reporters
On August 21st, 2015, we had a chance to sit down with Mrs. Hildreth, Michael, and Smriti, two of her students. This is Michael’s first year at Design 39 while Smriti has come for another year.
Q: Why did you want to teach at Design 39?
A: There are so many reasons, but one of the main reasons is that I just love the learning environment in the school.
Q: How long have you been teaching for?
A: This is my 100th year teaching (she jokes and laughs), no this is my 19th year teaching. I previously taught at Morning Creek School in Poway Unified School District. I taught all of elementary school.
Q: Do you like the idea of using devices at school or would you rather have them use pencil and paper?
A: I like the idea of my students being able to access different things on their devices, but I also like them to use their imagination and creativity using materials such as pencil and paper.
Next up, is Smriti. She’s been at Design 39 since 2014. She is always seen smiling, not to mention, she has a great vocabulary for her age!
Q: What is the number one reason you came back to Design 39 for another year?
A: Because it’s super fun. We get to do lots of learning and collaborations, and lot and lots of designing and projects.
Q: Do you have confidence when you’re learning in class?
A: Yeah, because the teachers help me when I am struggling with something.
Q: What are your favorite guiding principles of the school?
A: Design thinking and collaboration and communication because it’s super fun to use these things.
Q: Lastly what’s your favorite thing about your teacher(s)?
A: They help me a lot and they are super fun and funny. They make me love learning, especially Mrs. Hildreth.
Last but certainly not least, we interviewed Michael. Like we said earlier, this is his first year at Design 39 which was super exciting for us! This gave us a chance to get a perspective from someone new.
A: Yeah, I like it because it’s much better than having worksheets. Typing is more comfortable for me.
Q: When your parents told you that you’re going to Design 39 were you happy?
A: Yeah, because Chromebooks are better than everything!
Q: It seems that you like typing, why do you like typing so much?
A: Because typing doesn’t hurt my hands, but writing does.
We thank Mrs. Hildreth, Smriti, and Michael for taking time out of their break! Once again, we welcome all three of them!
Good Job!
Amazing 🙂