17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd

San Diego, CA, US.


Donate & Support

17050 Del Sur Ridge Rd

San Diego, CA, US.

Give to Design39 Campus

Donate & Support

Pet Food Drive..Woof, Meow and Squeal!

Pet Food Drive..Woof, Meow and Squeal!

Hi, my name is Tej and this is my partner Shane. We are doing a pet food drive for Helen Woodward AniMeals program. Helen Woodward partners with Meals on Wheels to transport all donated pet food to seniors with pets.

What to donate:
We are asking for pet food donations only for dogs, cats and hamsters.

Where to bring the donation:
There will be a big box inside the Welcome Center with a flyer.

When to donate by:
Please drop off your pet food donations by Friday Nov. 20, 2015.

Please help us collect food donations for Helen Woodward AniMeals program.


             Tej & Shane

