Finance B Class
Written By: Malak, School News Team
The 6th and 7th grade students in the Finance B class are quite busy with a couple interesting things that they’re working on. The first thing that they have been working on since September are their stocks. They basically look up stocks for companies online. If the stocks are low enough, the students buy them. They hold those stocks for a while until the price of the stocks go up, then the students sell them to gain a profit. This is great practice for the future if you want to make money or save up for something like college.
I think that the Finance B class would be fun to join, especially if you’re into business. The Finance B students definitely seems to think so to. You can tell if you look around the classroom and see how the students are very engaged in their work. “What I like about Finance is selling and buying stocks and also doing projects like our storefronts.” said Kaitlyn. Most kids would think that business stuff is boring, but Mr. Manalo definitely brightens it up with fun projects.
Wow! Finance B class sounds so fun! I agree about how it will help you in the future! I wish some of the other grades had it for a Deep Dive or Exploration!
Nice Job! I really think this is a cool class!