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San Diego, CA, US.

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The Daily Life of a Kindergartener By: Nicolas M., Anushka M., and Rohit D.


Here at Design39Campus, the 6/7/8 Journalism class has brought back the school blog! Nicolas, Anushka, and Rohit wrote ´The Daily Life of a Kindergartener.” We have split their daily activities into life in the morning, life in the mid-afternoon, and events. Our goal is to let parents, new students, and new staff learn about what Kindergarteners do at D39C. We hope you enjoy this article about the life of a Kindergartener!

Life in the Morning

To start off the day, the kids start their Morning Meeting where they say their greetings to each other. Then, they work on PowerUp for ten minutes. PowerUp is an activity where students choose if they want to read simple books or draw at the start of the morning to help improve their creativity and brain power.  After that, they play indoor games and do icebreakers. For example, kids can play with legos, Lincoln Logs (little lightweight toy logs to build small structures), and building blocks. Now, one of the students’ favorite things to do is a body break (snack) for about fifteen minutes. After this enjoyable break, they regroup and practice reading skills. Some books that kids read to work on reading skills are BOB books and simple books with around three letters per page. During lunch, students eat their food in the Showcase, then go to the Kindergarten playground. 

This is an example of a visual schedule for Kindergarteners.

Life in the Mid-Afternoon

After the Kindergarteners get settled in after lunch, they sit in their class for a read aloud. They read short stories that sometimes have SEL lessons. SEL stands for Social Emotional Learning. This teaches students how to manage their feelings. In the afternoon, they also do “Count.” This is what they call math in Kindergarten. During Count, students learn basic numbers and do word problems with the class. Then, they have their second body break where they can eat another snack and get a break. After the body break, Kindergarteners do their Mix and Mingle where they play with learning toys, build, and read. After this time, they all pack their belongings and make their way out to go home or to Bridge.


This month, the TK-5th grade collaboration event will be taking place on October 28th. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders pair up with TK and Kindergarten students. After they’re paired up they read together. The reading partnerships  go on for the entire year and the TK and Kindergarteners learn to read at a higher level.


The kindergarten classrooms are filled with fun, education, and friendships! Kindergarteners learn to make friends, read and write, do simple math and control emotions. If you have any more questions please ask the TK/K Team: Maria Fanianos, Lauren Dotson, Jaymie Sacramento, Bailey Princell, Kara Miller, and China Schauer.

Credits: The kids that were interviewed to help make this article were; Aanya, Anya, Grayson, Logan, Jackson, Reev, Rishaan, Sierra, and Orli. LEDs used to help make this article were Ms. Fanianos, Ms. Dotson, Ms. Sacramento, Ms. Princell, Ms. Kara Miller, and Ms. Schauer. And finally a big thank you to our esteemed Editor-in-Chief, Siri M. She helped us work through the tough parts of making this article. Siri, thank you for guiding us through making this amazing article about Kindergarteners.

